




Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects (100)

Key Indicator – 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation (20)

Metric No. Description Weightage
1.1.1. The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment 20

Key Indicator- 1.2 Academic Flexibility (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
1.2.1. Number of Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years) 15
1.2.2. Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Value added courses and also completed online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. as against the total number of students during the last five years 15

Key Indicator- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
1.3.1. Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum 10
1.3.2. Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) 20

Key Indicator- 1.4 Feedback System (20)

Metric No. Description Weightage
1.4.1. Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website
Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows:
A. Feedback collected, analysed, action taken& communicated to the relevant bodies and feedback hosted on the institutional website
B. Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken and communicated to the relevant bodies
C. Feedback collected and analysed
D. Feedback collected
E. Feedback not collected

Criterion 2 – Teaching- Learning and Evaluation (350)

Key Indicator- 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile (40)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.1.1. Enrolment percentage 20
2.1.2. Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC etc.) as per applicable reservation policy for the first year admission during the last five years 20

Key Indicator- 2.2. Student Teacher Ratio (40)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.2.1. Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) 40

Key Indicator- 2.3. Teaching- Learning Process (50)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.3.1. Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process 40

Key Indicator- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (40)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.4.1. Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years 15
2.4.2. Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D./D.Sc. / D.Litt./L.L.D. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count) 25

Key Indicator- 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms (40)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.5.1. Mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time- bound and efficient 40

Key Indicator- 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (90)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.6.1. Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website 25
2.6.2. Attainment of POs and COs are evaluated. 20
2.6.3. Pass percentage of Students during last five years (excluding backlog students) 45

Key Indicator- 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (60)

Metric No. Description Weightage
2.7.1. Online student satisfaction survey regarding to teaching learning process. 60

Criterion 3 – Research, Innovations and Extension (110)

Key Indicator 3.1- Resource Mobilization for Research (10)

Metric No. Description Weightage
3.1.1. Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years 10

Key Indicator 3.2- Innovation Ecosystem (15)

Metric No. Description Weightage
3.2.1. Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System (IKS), including awareness about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation centre and other initiatives for the creation and transfer of knowledge/ technology and the outcomes of the same are evident 10
3.2.2. Number of workshops/ seminars/ conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship during last five years 5

Key Indicator 3.3- Extension Publication and Awards (25)

Metric No. Description Weightage
3.3.1. Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals as notified on UGC CARE list during the last five years 10
3.3.2. Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years 15

Key Indicators 3.4 – Extension Activities (40)

Metric No. Description Weightage
3.4.1. Outcomes of Extension activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of impact and sensitizing the students to social issues for their holistic development during the last five years. 15
3.4.2. Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognised bodies 5
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community during the last five years 20

Key Indicators 3.5 – Collaboration (20)

Metric No. Description Weightage
3.5.1. Number of functional MoUs/ linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student/ faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years 20

Criterion 5 – Student Support and Progression (140)

Key Indicator- 5.1 Student Support (50)

Metric No. Description Weightage
5.1.1 Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Institution, Government and Non- Government bodies, Industries, Individuals, Philanthropists during last five years 20
5.1.2. Following capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capability
1. Soft skills
2. Language and communication skills
3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
4. ICT/computing skills
5.1.3. Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the Institution during the last five years 10
5.1.4. The Institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases 1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies 2. Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance 3. Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances 4. Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees 10

Key Indicator- 5.2 Student Progression (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years 25
5.2.2. Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years 10

Key Indicator- 5.3 Student Participation and Activities (50)

Metric No. Description Weightage
5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level during the last five years. 20
5.3.2. Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years 25

Key Indicator- 5.4 Alumni Engagement (10)

Metric No. Description Weightage
5.4.1 There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services. 10

Criterion 6 – Governance, Leadership and Management (100)

Key Indicator- 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership (10)

Metric No. Description Weightage
6.1.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as NEP implementation, sustained institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance and in their short term and long term Institutional Perspective Plan. 15

Key Indicator- 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment (12)

Metric No. Description Weightage
6.2.1 The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules, and procedures, etc. 8
6.2.2. Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation 1. Administration 2. Finance and Accounts 3. Student Admission and Support 4. Examination 4

Key Indicator- 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
6.3.1 The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff and avenues for career development/ progression. 6
6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years 12
6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty Development Programmes (FDP), Management Development Programmes (MDP) professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years 15

Key Indicator- 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization (10)

Metric No. Description Weightage
6.4.1 Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external) 10

Key Indicator- 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities 15
6.5.2 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:
1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); quality improvement initiatives identified and implemented
2. Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow-up action taken
3. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)
4. Participation in NIRF and other recognized rankings
5. Any other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA etc.

Criterion 7 – Institutional Values and Best Practices (100)

Key Indicator - 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities (50)

Metric No. Description Weightage
7.1.1 Institution has initiated the Gender Audit and measures for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years. 10
7.1.2 The Institution has facilities and initiatives for 1. Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures 2. Management of the various types of degradable and nondegradable waste 3. Water conservation 4. Green campus initiatives 5. Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment 20
7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution. The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following 1. Green audit / Environment audit 2. Energy audit 3. Clean and green campus initiatives 4. Beyond the campus environmental promotion and sustainability activities 10
7.1.4 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic diversity and Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens 10

Key Indicator - 7.2 Best Practices (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual. 30

Key Indicator - 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness (20)

Metric No. Description Weightage
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 1000 words 20

The College is afliliated to the University of Mumbai. Thus, the college follows the guidelines and syllabus prescribed by the Afiiliated University.



Students who complete BMS program will be able to:

POl. Develop basic understanding ofmanagement education and practices that can be applied in present day global scenario.

PO2. Gain knowledge and skills to exploit opportunities in management profession.

PO3. Appreciate the interrelationships among functional areas of management.

PO4. Understand the importance of multicultural, ethnic, ethical and gender issues in the organization

PO5. Demonstrate professionalism, self-awareness, and effective communication skills.

PO6. Exhibit leadership capacity and teamwork skills that enable them to work effectively in groups

PO7. Develop comprehensive analytical and problem-solving skills

PO8. Have innovation skills and ability to take up entrepreneurship initiatives

PO9. Understand the ethical implication of business decision making

PO10. Apply their knowledge in the field of business management to contribute to nation building while upholding ethical practices.



Students who complete BAF program will be able to:

POl. Develop an understanding of the economic, regulatory, ethical, social and global contexts in which accounting and fmance is applicable.

PO2. Provide knowledge oftheories, current and alternative practices ofaccounting, including recognition, disclosure offinancial statements, financial reporting, cost accounting, and auditing and taxation system in a local as well as intemational socio-economic domain.

PO3. Create awareness oftle intemational, regional and local issues related to accor.rnting and finance and the related role of financial players.

PO4. Inculcate a critical thinking process of actively conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information gathered liom, or generated by, observation, experience, reasoning, as a guide to action.

PO5. Integrate research-related skills through research projects of current relevance

PO6. Develop scientific reasoning in accounting and finance to arrive at analytical outcomes.

PO7. Use modern tools to create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, modern statistical tools & software for accounting and finance studies.

PO8. Develop leaming curiosity in accounting and finance studies to gain knowledge and explore information to make sound decisions.

PO9. Inculcate moral and ethical values in learners

B.Com (Banking and Insurance)


Students who complete BBI program will be able to:

POl. Demonstrate comprchensive knowledge and understanding in thc fundamentals of Commcrce, Accounting, Economics and all the courses undertaken.

PO2. Develop and apply skills and techniques of communication - listening, reading, writing and presenting their ideas logically.

PO3. Analyze independently and critically concepts in relation to Commerce, Accounting Economics and all the courses undertaken.

PO4. . Identifu anomalies and solve problems and draw valid conclusions ofthe courses undertaken

PO5. Work effectively in teams; as members and as leaders motivating and inspiring the team memben through coordinated cooperation.

PO6. Understand and apply ICT in relevant leaming situations.

PO7. Acquire independent working skills and exhibit their ability through fruitful completion of the given project.

PO8. Gain and showcase an understanding ofthe value ofdiversity and multicultural experience.

PO9. Recognize the ability to identifu ethical issues and avoid unethical Behaviour by engaging in objective, unbiased and truthful actions in all aspecls ofwork.



POl. Leamers will develop in depth knowledge in different functional areas of management.

PO2. Leamers are prepared to take up further studies in areas oftheir interest.

PO3. Leamers are well versed with latest trends in fields of HRM, Retail management etc

PO4. Learners are equipped with skills to face challenges in the corporate *'world



PSO1. Acquire knowledge about management practices which facilitate them to become effective professionals.

PSO2. Be capable to pursue higher studies in diverse fields of Management such as Business Administration, Human Resource Managemen! Marketing and Finance.

PSO3. Be adequately trained to be entrepreneurs and communicate effectively.

PSO4. Develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and research

PSO5. Acquire the required skills to develop business models and be responsible global citizens with cross cultural competent behaviour and ethical values.

B.Com (Accounting and Finance)


PSO1. The course helps aspirants to acquire knowledge in the field ofaccounting, taxation, auditing, risk management, financial accounting, managerial economics, business law and business communications.

PSO2. Learners can pursue careers as financial experts and also develop a better understanding ofthe markets as this course gives an in-depth understanding of the essential qualities and areas of expertise required for such jobs.

PSO3. Students get opportunities to explore many career paths like investment and portfolio management, stock market, security analysis, mutual fund and capital market analysis, accounting field, financial field etc.

PSO4. The programme aims to develop professional skills among students and build a strong foundation in accounts, Finance and Ethics which will benefit dremselves as well as the society

B.Com (Banking and Insurance)


PSO1. Create for the students an avenue of self-employment and also to benefit Banks, Insurance cornpanies by providing them with suitable trained persons in ttre field ol Banking & Insurance.

PSO2. Develop students to explore opportunities in the field of Banking and Insurance due to Globalization, Privatization and Liberalization.

PSO3. Understand operational environment in the field of Banking & Insurance.

PSO4. Develop and Inculcate training and practical approach among the students by using modem technologies in the field of Banking and Insuftmce. the society



PSO1. Leamers will develop managerial skills and theoretical knowledge for managing business units with special focus on functional areas ofbusiness and management

PSO2. Leamers will develop Research skills in areas of Management

PSO3. Learners will be motivated to take up Entrepreneurship

PSO4. Leamers will develop advanced level knowledge of concepts pertaining to various types ofmarketing.

PSO5. aleamers will have the capability to use ICT in a variety of leaming situations and use a varietv of relevant information sources.

Semester wise Cource Outcomes


Semester I

Sr No. Name of the Course Outcomes
01 Introduction to Financial Accounts COl: Understand the preparation of basic Financial Data and balance sheet.
CO2: Explain the Indian Accounting Standards, concepts and Conventions.
CO3: Examine the preparation of the Bank Reconciliation Statements.
CO4: Familiarize the Charges of Depreciation on various f,ssets
02 Business Law CO I To introduce the law ofcontracts, sale ofgoods, negotiable instruments, consumer protection, companies and Intellectual Property Right
CO 2 To equip learners with the requisite legal knowledge to help them function effectively as managers and manage $9 business effrciently.
03 Business Statistics CO1 : Produce appropriate graphical and numerical descriptive statistics for different types of data.
C02:Apply probability rules and concepts relating to discrete and continuous random variables to answer questions within a business context.
CO3: Use simple/multiple regression models to analyse the underlying relationships between the variables.
CO4: Use a statistical package frequently used by practitioners to analyse the data
04 Business Communication-I CO1 :Understand basic theory of communication.
C02:Critically analyse various barriers to communication,.
CO3: Examine parts & structure of business correspondence.
CO4: Develop Language & Writing
05 Business Economics-I COl: Understand the imponance of Business Economics in today's world.
CO2: Illustrate the production and cost functions.
CO3: Focuses on Microeconomics.
CO4: Explain how the Demand and Forecasting are estimated.
CO5: Examines how an organization does the Costing of the product
pO6: Demonstrate knowledge and proticiency in the loverall foundations of an economy.
06 Foundation course-l COl: Understand overview of Indian Society,
CO2: Develop the concepts ol disparity with regards to gender,
CO3: :Examine various disparities in caste. intergroup conflict,
CO4: Focus on Indian Constitution & Fundamental Duties.
CO5: Analyse Political processes & various amendments.
07 Foundation of Human Skills COl: Understand the Human nature and their behaviour in prganrzatron.
CO2: Focus on team building and group behaviour in the Organization and in society.
CO3: : Rnalyse the basic behaviour pattem of human, which lare important for business.
CO4: Discuss the different kinds of human nature with greater awareness of the human behaviour.

Semester II

Sr No. Name of the Course Outcomes
01 Principles of Marketing COl: Illustrate the different ideas of marketing concept.
CO2:Discuss the techniques about how to identify, understand and satisfy the needs of customers and markets.
CO3: Examine marketing mix and it four important elements which are required in the business.
CO4: Analyse companies and competitors and to introduce marketing Strategies to increase awareness of the strategic and tactical decisions behind today's top performing brands
CO5: Develops basic Marketing skills among students in order to cater to the Marketing Industry.
CO6: Critically Analyse the Marketing Theories & Concepts and Understand the relevance in perspective to current business which are required in the business. scenario in India
02 Industrial Law COI: To study the laws related to indushial relations and industrial disputes in India.
CO2:To develop an understanding of the Indian laws pertaining to health, safety and welfare of workers as well as enabling social legislations for the benefit ofworkmen.
CO3:To study the laws on compensation management.
03 Business Mathematics COI To teach the mathematical concepts and principles of multivariate calculus, vector and matrix algebra, differential equations and their applications in business and economics.
CO2: To understand concept ofproblem formulation and solution. graphing, and computer application
CO3: Clearly defines the different ways in which interest on money can be calculated.
CO4: Explain the meaning of the following terms: simple interest, compound interest, equivalent rates of interest, promissory and demand notes, annuities, pelpetuities, capitalized cost, depletion allowances, and stocks and bonds
04 Business Communication-ll COl : Enhance presentations skills,
CO2: Understand group communication - prepare lor interview, meetings, conference and Public Relations,
CO3: Discuss trade letters like inquiry letter. complaint letter, RTI letter, grievance letter, sales lefters etc.
CO4: Explain Reports & Summarize and enhance language & writing skills.
05 Business Economics-I COI: Explain business objectives and environmental analysis,
CO2: Understand the relation between business & society and aware about business ethics & Consumer Protection Act,
CO3: Illustrate the CSR, Carbon Credit and Social Audit,
CO4: Provide information about Foreign Trade, Intemational Organizations, Global Strategies MNCs & TNCs.
06 Foundation course-Value education and soft skills-Il COl: To Understand the concepts of liberalization, privatization and globalization
02:Growth of information technology and communication and its impact manifested in everyday life;
CO3:Impact of globalization on industry: changes in employment and increasing migration;
C04: Changes in agrarian sector due to globalization; rise in corporate farm and increase in farmers' suicides
07 Principles of Management COI :To leam practical knowledge planning, Organizing, lmplementing staffing coordinating Controlling, Motivating and other area of Management
CO2:To understand the Development of Humans kills and conceptual skills as per industry requirements as
C03:understanding of various functions of Management

Semester III

Sr No. Name of the Course Outcomes
01 Information Technology in Business Management-I COI : Explain the social impact of information technology, both locally and globally, and the need security, privacy and ethical implications in information systems usage
C02: Demonstrate problem-solving skills by dentif,ing and resolving issues relating to formation technology systems and their components
C03: Demonstrate the application of online collaboration and website development tools to support productivity and communication in business contexts
C04: Describe current information and communication, how they are selected, developed used by organizations to produce goods and services, and to cooperate and/or compete with other organizations
02 Foundation Course(Environment management)-lI CO1:To develop sensitivity in the leamers about environment, its various components and its conservation
CO2: To spread awareness on several current environmental issues at giobal as well as local level
CO3: To understand the relevance and significance of sustainable environment
CO4: To encourage students to change to ecofiien4ly habits and behaviours
03 Business Planning and entrepreneurial management COI To develop entrepreneurs & to prepare students to take the responsibility of Full line of management
C02:The course introduces Entrepreneurship to budding manager as entrepreneurship is the major focus area for the growth and progress of the economy
C03: To equip prospective entrepreneurs with the owhow, techniques and procedure and process of starting a new business.
04 Accounting of managerial decisions COI: To enahle studenLs to read and interpret Financial Statements of any concem.
C02:To provide students with an understanding of management decision makin g concepts related to the management of planning, control, and decision making
CO3: Learn independently and to demonstrate high level personal analytical skills and advisory skills. (from Investment Angle)
CO4: Evaluate co lex ideas an
05 Strategic Management COl :Understand and apply the Strategic Managernent process
C02:Analyse and improve organizational performance.
C03: Illustrate the impact of social, economic and political forces of organization's policy.
C04: Critically examine the management of the entire enterprice from top management view point
06 Introduction to Cost Accounting I : Understand the basic concepts and the tools sed in Cost Accounting O2: Enable the students to understand the nciples and procedure ofCost Accounting and to ly them to different practical situations. 03: Explain and solve problems related to Process osting, Job Costing, Cost Classification etc. 04:Demonstrate reconciliation of cost sheet and ial accounts
07 Corporate Finance Ol : To develop an understanding of financial anagement principles and its importance in O2:To impart knowledge of tools and techniques ich assist in financial decision making. 3: To provide understanding olcapital structure,
08 Consumer Behaviour Ol : To understand and examine the growing portance of advertising in communication mix O2:To understand the construction of an etl'ective 03: To understand the role and issues of ertising in contemporary society 04: To explore the future ofand careers
09 Advertising Ol: Understand the concept ofadvertising. lain the diflerent job functions and ponsibilities of those employed in advertising. 2:Recognize some ofthe social and ethical 03: Explain the methods used in market lain the role of marketing and advertising ing and Exp lann
10 Recruitment and Selection pO t : ttre objective is to tamitiarizitt e .ruAents l*ith concepts and principles. procedure of [.ecruitment and Selection in an organization. ICOZ:fo give an in depth insight into various aspects pf Human Resource management and make them [cquainted with practical aspect of the subject folr fo equip students to face the modern and [innovative techniques and dynamics of recruitment hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry.
11 Organisation Bevaviour and HRM hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry. Organisation Bevaviour and HRM lt Ol : Understand the fundamental concepts on izational behavior and HRI\4. 02: Be aware of the Time management strategies. 03:The objective is to familiarize the students with cepts and principles, procedure of Performance ppraisal, Compensation and Career Planning in an nization 04:Mana Conflicts effectivel amo workers

Semester lV

Sr No. Name of the Course Outcomes
01 Information Technology in Business Management-I COI : Explain the social impact of information technology, both locally and globally, and the need security, privacy and ethical implications in information systems usage
C02: Demonstrate problem-solving skills by dentif,ing and resolving issues relating to formation technology systems and their components
C03: Demonstrate the application of online collaboration and website development tools to support productivity and communication in business contexts
C04: Describe current information and communication, how they are selected, developed used by organizations to produce goods and services, and to cooperate and/or compete with other organizations
02 Foundation Course(Environment management)-lI CO1:To develop sensitivity in the leamers about environment, its various components and its conservation
CO2: To spread awareness on several current environmental issues at giobal as well as local level
CO3: To understand the relevance and significance of sustainable environment
CO4: To encourage students to change to ecofiien4ly habits and behaviours
03 Business Planning and entrepreneurial management COI To develop entrepreneurs & to prepare students to take the responsibility of Full line of management
C02:The course introduces Entrepreneurship to budding manager as entrepreneurship is the major focus area for the growth and progress of the economy
C03: To equip prospective entrepreneurs with the owhow, techniques and procedure and process of starting a new business.
04 Accounting of managerial decisions COI: To enahle studenLs to read and interpret Financial Statements of any concem.
C02:To provide students with an understanding of management decision makin g concepts related to the management of planning, control, and decision making
CO3: Learn independently and to demonstrate high level personal analytical skills and advisory skills. (from Investment Angle)
CO4: Evaluate co lex ideas an
05 Strategic Management COl :Understand and apply the Strategic Managernent process
C02:Analyse and improve organizational performance.
C03: Illustrate the impact of social, economic and political forces of organization's policy.
C04: Critically examine the management of the entire enterprice from top management view point
06 Introduction to Cost Accounting I : Understand the basic concepts and the tools sed in Cost Accounting O2: Enable the students to understand the nciples and procedure ofCost Accounting and to ly them to different practical situations. 03: Explain and solve problems related to Process osting, Job Costing, Cost Classification etc. 04:Demonstrate reconciliation of cost sheet and ial accounts
07 Corporate Finance Ol : To develop an understanding of financial anagement principles and its importance in O2:To impart knowledge of tools and techniques ich assist in financial decision making. 3: To provide understanding olcapital structure,
08 Consumer Behaviour Ol : To understand and examine the growing portance of advertising in communication mix O2:To understand the construction of an etl'ective 03: To understand the role and issues of ertising in contemporary society 04: To explore the future ofand careers
09 Advertising Ol: Understand the concept ofadvertising. lain the diflerent job functions and ponsibilities of those employed in advertising. 2:Recognize some ofthe social and ethical 03: Explain the methods used in market lain the role of marketing and advertising ing and Exp lann
10 Recruitment and Selection pO t : ttre objective is to tamitiarizitt e .ruAents l*ith concepts and principles. procedure of [.ecruitment and Selection in an organization. ICOZ:fo give an in depth insight into various aspects pf Human Resource management and make them [cquainted with practical aspect of the subject folr fo equip students to face the modern and [innovative techniques and dynamics of recruitment hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry.
11 Organisation Bevaviour and HRM hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry. Organisation Bevaviour and HRM lt Ol : Understand the fundamental concepts on izational behavior and HRI\4. 02: Be aware of the Time management strategies. 03:The objective is to familiarize the students with cepts and principles, procedure of Performance ppraisal, Compensation and Career Planning in an nization 04:Mana Conflicts effectivel amo workers

Key Indicator- 1.2 Academic Flexibility (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
1.2.1. Number of Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years) 15
1.2.2. Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Value added courses and also completed online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. as against the total number of students during the last five years 15

Key Indicator- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment (30)

Metric No. Description Weightage
1.3.1. Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum 10
1.3.2. Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) 20

Semester V

Sr No. Name of the Course Outcomes
01 Information Technology in Business Management-I COI : Explain the social impact of information technology, both locally and globally, and the need security, privacy and ethical implications in information systems usage
C02: Demonstrate problem-solving skills by dentif,ing and resolving issues relating to formation technology systems and their components
C03: Demonstrate the application of online collaboration and website development tools to support productivity and communication in business contexts
C04: Describe current information and communication, how they are selected, developed used by organizations to produce goods and services, and to cooperate and/or compete with other organizations
02 Foundation Course(Environment management)-lI CO1:To develop sensitivity in the leamers about environment, its various components and its conservation
CO2: To spread awareness on several current environmental issues at giobal as well as local level
CO3: To understand the relevance and significance of sustainable environment
CO4: To encourage students to change to ecofiien4ly habits and behaviours
03 Business Planning and entrepreneurial management COI To develop entrepreneurs & to prepare students to take the responsibility of Full line of management
C02:The course introduces Entrepreneurship to budding manager as entrepreneurship is the major focus area for the growth and progress of the economy
C03: To equip prospective entrepreneurs with the owhow, techniques and procedure and process of starting a new business.
04 Accounting of managerial decisions COI: To enahle studenLs to read and interpret Financial Statements of any concem.
C02:To provide students with an understanding of management decision makin g concepts related to the management of planning, control, and decision making
CO3: Learn independently and to demonstrate high level personal analytical skills and advisory skills. (from Investment Angle)
CO4: Evaluate co lex ideas an
05 Strategic Management COl :Understand and apply the Strategic Managernent process
C02:Analyse and improve organizational performance.
C03: Illustrate the impact of social, economic and political forces of organization's policy.
C04: Critically examine the management of the entire enterprice from top management view point
06 Introduction to Cost Accounting I : Understand the basic concepts and the tools sed in Cost Accounting O2: Enable the students to understand the nciples and procedure ofCost Accounting and to ly them to different practical situations. 03: Explain and solve problems related to Process osting, Job Costing, Cost Classification etc. 04:Demonstrate reconciliation of cost sheet and ial accounts
07 Corporate Finance Ol : To develop an understanding of financial anagement principles and its importance in O2:To impart knowledge of tools and techniques ich assist in financial decision making. 3: To provide understanding olcapital structure,
08 Consumer Behaviour Ol : To understand and examine the growing portance of advertising in communication mix O2:To understand the construction of an etl'ective 03: To understand the role and issues of ertising in contemporary society 04: To explore the future ofand careers
09 Advertising Ol: Understand the concept ofadvertising. lain the diflerent job functions and ponsibilities of those employed in advertising. 2:Recognize some ofthe social and ethical 03: Explain the methods used in market lain the role of marketing and advertising ing and Exp lann
10 Recruitment and Selection pO t : ttre objective is to tamitiarizitt e .ruAents l*ith concepts and principles. procedure of [.ecruitment and Selection in an organization. ICOZ:fo give an in depth insight into various aspects pf Human Resource management and make them [cquainted with practical aspect of the subject folr fo equip students to face the modern and [innovative techniques and dynamics of recruitment hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry.
11 Organisation Bevaviour and HRM hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry. Organisation Bevaviour and HRM lt Ol : Understand the fundamental concepts on izational behavior and HRI\4. 02: Be aware of the Time management strategies. 03:The objective is to familiarize the students with cepts and principles, procedure of Performance ppraisal, Compensation and Career Planning in an nization 04:Mana Conflicts effectivel amo workers

Semester Vl

Sr No. Name of the Course Outcomes
01 Information Technology in Business Management-I COI : Explain the social impact of information technology, both locally and globally, and the need security, privacy and ethical implications in information systems usage
C02: Demonstrate problem-solving skills by dentif,ing and resolving issues relating to formation technology systems and their components
C03: Demonstrate the application of online collaboration and website development tools to support productivity and communication in business contexts
C04: Describe current information and communication, how they are selected, developed used by organizations to produce goods and services, and to cooperate and/or compete with other organizations
02 Foundation Course(Environment management)-lI CO1:To develop sensitivity in the leamers about environment, its various components and its conservation
CO2: To spread awareness on several current environmental issues at giobal as well as local level
CO3: To understand the relevance and significance of sustainable environment
CO4: To encourage students to change to ecofiien4ly habits and behaviours
03 Business Planning and entrepreneurial management COI To develop entrepreneurs & to prepare students to take the responsibility of Full line of management
C02:The course introduces Entrepreneurship to budding manager as entrepreneurship is the major focus area for the growth and progress of the economy
C03: To equip prospective entrepreneurs with the owhow, techniques and procedure and process of starting a new business.
04 Accounting of managerial decisions COI: To enahle studenLs to read and interpret Financial Statements of any concem.
C02:To provide students with an understanding of management decision makin g concepts related to the management of planning, control, and decision making
CO3: Learn independently and to demonstrate high level personal analytical skills and advisory skills. (from Investment Angle)
CO4: Evaluate co lex ideas an
05 Strategic Management COl :Understand and apply the Strategic Managernent process
C02:Analyse and improve organizational performance.
C03: Illustrate the impact of social, economic and political forces of organization's policy.
C04: Critically examine the management of the entire enterprice from top management view point
06 Introduction to Cost Accounting I : Understand the basic concepts and the tools sed in Cost Accounting O2: Enable the students to understand the nciples and procedure ofCost Accounting and to ly them to different practical situations. 03: Explain and solve problems related to Process osting, Job Costing, Cost Classification etc. 04:Demonstrate reconciliation of cost sheet and ial accounts
07 Corporate Finance Ol : To develop an understanding of financial anagement principles and its importance in O2:To impart knowledge of tools and techniques ich assist in financial decision making. 3: To provide understanding olcapital structure,
08 Consumer Behaviour Ol : To understand and examine the growing portance of advertising in communication mix O2:To understand the construction of an etl'ective 03: To understand the role and issues of ertising in contemporary society 04: To explore the future ofand careers
09 Advertising Ol: Understand the concept ofadvertising. lain the diflerent job functions and ponsibilities of those employed in advertising. 2:Recognize some ofthe social and ethical 03: Explain the methods used in market lain the role of marketing and advertising ing and Exp lann
10 Recruitment and Selection pO t : ttre objective is to tamitiarizitt e .ruAents l*ith concepts and principles. procedure of [.ecruitment and Selection in an organization. ICOZ:fo give an in depth insight into various aspects pf Human Resource management and make them [cquainted with practical aspect of the subject folr fo equip students to face the modern and [innovative techniques and dynamics of recruitment hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry.
11 Organisation Bevaviour and HRM hnd selection practices that prevail in the indusrry. Organisation Bevaviour and HRM lt Ol : Understand the fundamental concepts on izational behavior and HRI\4. 02: Be aware of the Time management strategies. 03:The objective is to familiarize the students with cepts and principles, procedure of Performance ppraisal, Compensation and Career Planning in an nization 04:Mana Conflicts effectivel amo workers